HEAD -------- 10 points
EARS -------- 5 points
EYES -------- 5 points
NECK-------- 5 points
BODY -------- 25 points
LEGS AND FEET -------- 20 points
TAIL -------- 5 points
COAT -------- 10 points
COLOR AND MARKINGS -------- 5 points
CONDITION AND BALANCE -------- 10 points
100 points total

The Munchkin's distinctive short legs developed from an autosomal dominant gene mutation which has occurred several times in the domestic cat. Munchkins are a medium size cat exhibiting shortening of the longbones. Mild bowing will occur in the forelegs. The long bones palpated for judging are the radius, ulna and humerus on the forelegs and femur, fibula and tibia on the hindlegs. The cat often stands higher in the back but is nearly level at rest. The spine and pelvis are unaffected and similar in form and flexibility to that seen in other domestic cats. The breed has been established from spontaneously occurring domestic cat lines and should have the general look of the domestic cat. Munchkins are outgoing and respond well to being handled.

HEAD Size :Medium, in proportion in body. Shape: Moderate modified wedge with rounded corners. Severe penalty for round head ,dished profile, extreme nose break
Profile: Gentle rise from bridge of nose to flattened forehead above eye ridges
Muzzle break: Slight
Top of Head: Sightly rounded between ears
Forehead: Flat
Nose: Medium in length, slight dip or bump is acceptable
Chin: Firm, but not prominent
Whiskerpads: Medium, not excessively large .
EARS Size: moderately large, flared at the base.
Shape: triangular with rounded tips.
Placement: Set at the corners of the head. Erect and alert
Furnishings: Longhair (tufts)
EYE Shape: Walnut
Size: Medium size
Aperture: Outer corners slightly upward from inner corners.
Placement: Set an eye width apart, giving an open ,alert expression.
Length: of sufficient length to provide over-all balance to the cat
Muscle: Firmly Muscled
Misc: Blending smoothly into the shoulders
BODY Torso: Deep and moderately broad
Shape: Semi-foreign with depth of flank (body)
Length: From the point of the shoulder to the base of the tail, approximately 40 % more than the height measured at the point of the shoulder. This is a breeder guideline not an absolute.
Back: Slight rise from shoulder to rump is acceptable. Excessive dip behind shoulder the shoulder (lordosis) is a withhold.
Chest :Rounded without excessively prominent sternum
Musculature: medium to substantial. Females smaller and less muscled than males.
Shoulder: Firmly placed on a strong, well developed chest. Shoulder blades may appear higher, but should not be prominent
Hips: Strong and firm, similar in width to the shoulder, may be broader in females. When slight pressure is placed over hips cat feels solid and doesn't buckle.
Proportion: Head, neck ,torso, and tail all in proportion on a well muscled medium built cat. When viewed from the top head, shoulders and hips are of nearly equal width.
LEGS Forelegs: Upper and lower forelegs equal in length. Elbows appear to be higher on the body than on other cats because of shorter legs. Legs should lie close to rib cage and not bow out excessively.
Musculature over forearms may be well developed. This gives the forelegs a unique feel. On some well muscled cats the illusion of slight bowing may actually be due to the solid muscle development of the triceps and biceps. Care must be taken not to confuse extreme muscling with actual bowing of the humerus radius and ulna. Bowing should be gaged from the inside of the forearms. Slight bowing is allowable, especially in larger males.
Hindlegs: Thigh and lower leg approximately equal in length, moderately angulated at the knee and hock when at rest. When stretching, will be longer than the front legs. A slight rise from shoulders to rump is allowable . The legs should appear straight from behind.
Length: short, a breeder guideline would be leg length from floor to deepest part of chest should not be over * the entire height of the cat at the point of the shoulder.
Boning: medium
Musculature: well muscled Feet: round, compact with medium boning. Squarely placed not pointing excessively in or outward. Standing upright on pasterns.
TAIL Length: In proportion to the body
Shape: Medium thickness, tapering to a round tip.
Carriage: Set high and carried erect when in motion.
(SH)Length: Medium Texture: All weather of moderate density. Undercoat :medium Miscellaneous: Lustrous with a natural protective appearance.
(LH) Length: Semi-longhair Texture: Silky and of moderate density Undercoat :medium Ruff: Hair longer than body hair. Britches: Shaggy Tail: Flowing full plume. Miscellaneous: All-weather coat.
COLOR/PATTERNS/MARKINGS All category, all division, all colors patterns and markings allowable. White lockets or buttons are permitted.
EYE COLOR No relationship between coat and eye color.
CONDITION AND BALANCE hard and well muscled without excessive obesity or emaciation. Eyes bright and clean.. Coat with a healthy sheen. An overall appearance of health and vitality. Disproportionately short legs, but otherwise well balanced in appearance. Judges are encouraged to watch the cat in motion.
TEMPERAMENT Munchkins are outgoing and respond well to handling.
WITHHOLD ALL AWARDS Excessive dip behind shoulders (lordosis), pectus. See show rules for disqualifications applying to all cats.
PENALTIES Soft muscle tone, sway back , cow hock, foreign type (siamese breed type), excessive cobbiness, or Persian breed type head, protruding or excessively prominent sternum, excessive bowing, fine boning.
ALLOWABLE OUT CROSSES Any domestic longhair or shorthair not a member of a recognized breed. Cats over 1/16 of a recognized breed are not eligible for championship competition. Longlegged offspring of the Munchkins will be used in the breeding program , but not shown.

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